Oil Of Eucalyptus , Parrot Brand
I've been looking for this oil for so long finally my husband bought it at grocery store not far from our house few days ago. I'm so happy. . .with this smell reminds me of my son when he still a little baby.
This Minyak Kayu Putih smell so good especially on baby. Since my son already big boy but I still put on him his chest, bruises, cold. I'm glad I've found this oil, I miss this smell so much.
If you looking for this oil just go to any grocery store and ask for Minyak Kayu Putih Parrot Brand or Cap Burung Kakaktua. It's cheap only RM6.50 for 28ml. Each contains Oil Of Eucalyptus B.P.(Cineole 80-85%). Traditionally used for systomatic relief of sysmtoms of cold, wind and flatulence, muscle stiffness, minor bruises and minor sprains.
Jaclyn, there is Tips & Tricks for Bosisto's Eucalyptus Oil in their facebook fan page. Check this out : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bosistos-Parrot-Brand-Malaysia/122684961165395?sk=app_236915779692648
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy for the Tips & Tricks.
ReplyDeleteI will drop by and like the page. Thanks again.
Hi Jaclyn, the Bosisto oil you bought is not as pure as the Australian Bosisto. Please check on the packaging.
ReplyDeleteBeware of Imidations.
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