I guess everyone knows what is Spirulina and the benefits right? Just Google search for Spirulina and you will get a lot of information or article about Spirulina.
Alright, the picture above is the Spirulina tablets that me and my boy consume every day. I know everyone saying their Spirulina is the best in the market but. . .
I like DXN Spirulina more and the best Spirulina hehe
While consume DXN Spirulina I can earn income from this company.
How? It's easy. . .
Each box content 300 tablets with 50 Points.
Price for each box is RM106.00(non-member).
The best to take is 20 tablets daily, 10 tablets in the morning and 10 tablets in the evening.
To earn Income you have to be member and then you need to maintain 100 Points each month.
How much is the Membership?
Whole-life Membership include 2 boxes of 300 tablet Spirulina all together is RM234/-
How to maintain?
Well, since you consume Spirulina daily so. . . purchase 2 boxes of 300 tablet Spirulina every month.
2 box = 100 points enough to earn reward from company.
Then invite more people to join this company by consuming Spirulina just like what you did, with this you will earn group reward.
If you just interested to purchase the Spirulina from me, I sell the box content 300 tablets Spirulina RM106, easy for me to pack.^^
Interested please Message me
DXN Spirulina also available in small and big bottle.
The small bottle content 120 tablets, Price RM44.00(non-member) with 20 Points.
The big bottle content 500 tablets, Price RM156.50(non-member) with 75 Points. This big bottle can be reuse to refill.

This picture I took from Google. This picture is DXN Spirulina Pond.
maklumat tentang manfaat Spirulina untuk kesihatan. Artikel ni saya dapat dari Google.
Dengan mengamalkan Spirulina setiap hari saya dapat menjana pendapatan sampingan setiap bulan tau.
Nak tahu macam mana?? Begini. . .
Sekotak Spirulina mengandungi 300 tablet , harga RM106.00(bukan harga ahli), 50 Nilai Mata.
Cara pengambilan; 20 biji tablet 2 kali sehari iaitu 10 biji pagi dan 10 biji petang.
Cara dapat ganjaran pula. . .
Daftar jadi ahli dahulu untuk mendapat harga diskaun.
Bayaran hanya RM234/- termasuk keahlian(seumur hidup) + 2 kotak 300 tablet Spirulina.

Bagaimana untuk mengekalkan??
Sekiranya anda pengambil Spirulina yang setia maka anda hanya perlu beli 2 kotak 300 tablet Spirulina setiap bulan dengan harga ahli.
2 kotak = 100 Nilai Mata cukup untuk menerima ganjaran dari syarikat, bukan dari saya ye ^^ he he
Tak puas dengan ganjaran persendirian ?? ajaklah sesiapa yang berminat dengan Spirulina ni daftar kan mereka untuk kumpulan anda dengan ini anda akan mendapat ganjaran kumpulan.
Senang kan . . . Berminat message saya k. . .
Bagi yang hanya berminat nak beli produk dari saya boleh je. . . I jual yang kotak tu ye senang nak bungkus. Harga RM106 sekotak.
Tonton untuk mengenali DXN Spirulina.
Who is the speaker? well. . . this is her biodata:
Her name is Madam Jane Yau, a State Rigistered Nurse (SRN); State Certified Midwife (SCM) trained in UK.
She also a Public Health Nurse (PHN) trained in Malaysia.
Working experience in nursing field since 1976:
1. Oncology Nursing in UK
2. Maternal and Child health
3. Health Education Present: Has been practicing DXN ganotherapy since 2001.
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